toooo close for comfort

FRI DEC 12TH > first, thank you to the coffee plantation at the biltmore and nicole for setting this up...we had a blast....needless to say, i was super suprised to see how many people showed up tonight that i've seen at one venue or guys are so awesome and i'm so grateful to have supportive fans like U. in fact, at one time, i counted 22 familiar faces......and you all endured the freeeeezzzzzinggggg weather with me and guys ARE #1!! So, i showed up a little late to this one. got there at about 8 o'clock (show was set for 7:30) but i have an excuse. right as i was leaving, my cat (i thought) got bit by a black widow....she got out of the house (she's an indoor cat) and as she was rounding the corner, she leaped about 20 feet in the air (o.k. it was only about 5 feet) but still...she doesn't just go around doing that (she's not a kangaroo :-) running over there, i saw a black widow....and though oh great!! i have a show tonight and the last thing i need is to have to take my cat into the vet. after calling the vet, i realized she didn't have any of the symptoms (no tremors or vigorus breathing) so i headed out on my way. (this entire incident put me behind about 20-30 mins) now i'm heading down higley coming up on baseline and i see cop cars galore....when i pulled up closer, i noticed there was a really bad accident.....being the crazy guy i asked the cops how long ago the accident had occured (wondering of course if my cat just saved me from a bad accident) the cop responded that it was a new accident and had happened about 20-30 mins earlier......this only confirms to me that even though bad stuff happens to us in life, it does happen for a reason....we just have to keep on keeping on and realize that we'll never have all the answers...that in my eyes is what is so special about life - the little miracles! speaking of that, tonight i had the opportunity to play my newest song (with lyrics) called "There's a lot to live for!" and the crowd was just as fun as can be on this one....i saw a lot of bouncing around and singing going on out there....also saw some hands up in the air....the people that could really feel it in their souls...there truly is a lot to live for...(right now as i type) i'm living for my next show that i can share with you all again. at the conclusion of the evening i was driving home on the freeway saying a little prayer to God, to my angels, and to those that were close to me that have passed on, just thanking them for the inspiration and love they've spirited my that i may share it with you. amazingly they answered me back as i hit the us60 and Gilbert road showing me my spirtual number 444 on the license plate of a 2003 ford thunderbird (blue).....what a special moment...please always remember to share your love and to inspire those around's the best love anyone can ever give or receive......sending much light and love to you and yours this holiday season....RYNO