Happy Sunday!! 12.26.10 - Happy New You!!

Well, a New Year is upon us.


It was only a short 11 years ago now that I was packing my pantry with water and food wondering if my lights were going to go out as the clock struck midnight.  Yes...it was 1999...soon to be 2000.  Seems like yesterday doesn't it?


11 Years ago.  4,015 Days Ago.  96,360 Hours Ago.  5,781,600 Minutes Ago.


A lot can happen in 11 years.....


In fact, starting in 2000, if you had.....


....a child in Kindergarden, they'd almost be graduating High School


....a mortgage on a 15 year note, it'd be paid off in 4 more years


....started college part time, you would have graduated with a Bachelors degree and possibly a Masters by now.


....planted a tiny acorn, by now it could be a 22 foot tall mighty oak tree.


The above scenarios all have one thing in common, a "CONTINUATION" of something.  Not starting something, then stopping for a lil' while, to start up again, then stopping....year after year. 


Which brings me to New Year's Resolutions. 


I heard the other day that....


- Only 8% of the population succeeds with their New Year's Resolutions

- 40% quit by the end of January....

- 80% quit by the end of February...


As we go about making our New Year's Resolutions this year, like we always do, I hope you'll join me in 8% category, even if it does take 11 years to achieve.  Let's ask ourselves where we want to be in 11 short years from now?  And start taking those steps "TODAY". And remember, you don't have to wait till January 1st either. ;-) 


Want Credit card Debt paid off? 

Mortgage paid off?

To be fit and healthy? 

Want to go back to school and graduate from College? 

Want to pursue a dream?

Go ahead...fill in the blank......I am going to_____________________....


The future is for you to build.  One day at a time.  One step at a time....to a NEW YOU.....


I came across Madelyn singing "SILENT NIGHT" from last year and at the very end, she says....


"HO,HO,HO....Merry Christmas...HAPPY NEW YOU!!!


The "HAPPY NEW YOU" resonates with me every time I hear it....


So Cheers to the next 11 Years, and to the year 2011...


"HAPPY NEW YOU!"  from the Nicholson Family ;-)


Here's the link to hear Madelyn singing "SILENT NIGHT"




Be blessed in all you do...

Be love and love will surround you...






