it's beginning to look a lot like x-mas

I read a cool quote from Harold Whitman the other day and thought I'd share it with ya. "Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive." In case you're interested I thought I'd update ya a little on what's goin' on this side of the woods (no pun intended) Yesterday, I had the opportunity to co-write with a very, very cool friend and writer in town. The song we're writing is just "Magic..magic...magic" and I can't wait to share it with ya... Also, last night I had the opportunity to meet a lot of great people at the NSAI Holiday Party. Just a fun, fun time. I'm also currently writing with a few other great writers in town (on-going) and we have come up with some amazing stuff. It's just so cool when you have 2 or 3 minds working towards a common goal. A few of these songs will be demo'd professionally in studio and the others I demo'd here on my pro tools system. One of the songs is called "missin somethin" available to listen to now at the listening page of my website. Haven't been painting at's too cold (LOL) the paint just freezes...(joke) Oh yeah, the new CD "Dream" just arrived and I've got a few left so if you'd like to get yer hands on one b4 x-mas, please let me know or simply go here and get one Well, have a fantastic weekend..... Ryan "ryno" Nicholson _______________________________________ want to put my banner on a web page? here's the code.